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Software Support

Photo Evo is a Java based application, which allows it to run on Windows and MacIntosh systems.

Although we strive to keep the program problem-free, sometimes interactions between Java, Windows, OS X, and third-party software can cause the application to malfunction or perform below expectations.

We will keep you informed of known issues and their solutions. Because Photo Evo runs on Java, it is important to keep Java updated to the latest version. These free updates can be found at

New computers do not always have Java preloaded, so you can download the free software at the same site for a new installation.

Some Java updates sometimes fail to remove the previous version. This can sometimes cause problems. Check your Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs for multiple versions of Java and uninstall all but the latest version.

Windows Issues:

Error Sending Order

We have had reports of a problem sending orders in Windows 7/Vista. This is a Windows problem, causing it to block the transmission of the order to the lab. The following steps will resolve the issue.

Click Start in Win 7/Vista, then choose All Programs, Accessories, and right-click on Command Prompt. Choose Run as Administrator in the list and the black command window will open. At the prompt type:

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

and press Enter. An ‘OK.’ should appear below it and bounce back to a prompt, then type


and press Enter to formally quit the window.

Disappearing Shortcuts
Sometimes a Java update will cause the desktop shortcut for All-PROES to disappear. The following steps will restore the shortcuts. Click “Start”, then “Run” Type in “javaws -viewer” into the “Run” box (without the quotes, note the space between javaws and the dash) The Java Cache Viewer should open up. Right click the application you want to restore shortcuts for and click “Install shortcuts”


Internet Support Tool
If you are still having problems, we have a support tool available which will allow us to see your desktop and take control of your mouse and keyboard. This will give us first hand insight into your problem. Since problems that warrant this type of support are unusual, and sometimes difficult to solve, our technical staff usually handles these cases. Please call ahead and schedule some time for support.

MacIntosh Issues

ROES Startup On OS X 10.8.3

The first step is to make sure Java 7 is truly installed from A common mistake we have seen is that a user will download the Java installer .dmg file, execute it and think Java is installed. Execution of the .dmg package merely unpacks the Java installer, which still needs to be run to actually install Java 7. After the install is completed, a good check is to open System Preferences from the top left Apple icon and see if Java now appears in the list.

To start ROES, it is best to use the web site index page link to begin – for anyone updating from 10.6 or 10.7 the old desktop icons should be sent to Trash. Due to recent updates Safari is no longer prompting to execute the launch.jnlp file from the index page start as it has in the past. Firefox, from, is a much better option as it does pull down the launch.jnlp file and prompt to execute it in Java as expected.

We have seen Safari perform a quick auto-download of the launch.jnlp file, however it is quite fast and easily missed. Safari also has been storing these downloaded files in a cache folder, as opposed to the usual Downloads folder. For new Mac systems and those recently updated, the best and quickest method to start now when Safari is the browser is to right-click or hold the Control button down and click on the Direct launch: link on the index page, and choose Download Linked File As… from the list. In most cases the save dialog will default to Documents, and the launch.jnlp should be saved there. Starting ROES then should simply be a matter of opening Finder, selecting Documents and double-clicking on the launch.jnlp.

1-31-2013 ROES Launch Failures Due To Apple Java Security Update
A security update pushed out by Apple in the last 24 hours has caused ROES clients to fail to launch in some versions of OS X. The failure message that will be received is “The application has requested a version of the JRE (version 1.5+) that is not installed”. The JRE version may be listed as 1.6+. Any other failure message is not related to this issue. OS X Versions Affected: OS X 10.6.8 OS X 10.7.3 and above OS X 10.8* OS X 10.6.8 users will need to upgrade to 10.8 and install the latest Java 7 Update 11 found on OS X 10.7.3 or higher users still on Java 6 Update 35 to 37 should also update to 10.8 and install Java 7 Update 11 found on
2-4-2013 Apple Java 6 Update Released For OS X 10.6 Lion
In an unexpected development, late on Friday, February 1st, 2013 Apple released an update to Java 6, listed as update 39 (which matches the latest Oracle Java 6 edition, also released yesterday), for OS X 10.6.8 Lion systems. The update is available at Installing the new version should obviate the need for customers with 10.6.8 to upgrade to 10.8 at this time.
Apple Java Update - Oracle Java 7 Install
Apple has now included a Java update as part of its Software Update. What this update will do can vary based on OS X version and Java already installed. On a 10.7.5 system with Java 6 already loaded from Apple, it updated Java 6 to update 37 and all ran as expected. After updating the system to OS X 10.8 and running SoftWare Updates, Java is essentially removed from the browser along with Java Web Start from the system. The All-PROES desktop icons are left in place, but do not launch. Attempts to do so bring up an alert indicating a Java 6 install is needed. After launching Safari and trying from a web URL to launch ROES, an indicator in the Safari window lets you know a plug-in is missing. Clicking on this brings up a dialog that Java is needed and offers an OK and a More Info… button, which should be clicked. It will launch a new browser tab to Java’s page at, to install Java 7 from Oracle. The .dmg file should be downloaded and double clicking on it will install Java 7. In terms of usage, one issue has arisen in that there was a very strong delay in searching for images using the Add images button, trying to browse both local disk and SD Card. Clicking Cancel and coming back into the dialog via the same button seemed to speed things along, however (almost an immediate find of the folders/files). Once loaded into the pane images added fine from the thumbails area to products, and also worked fine dragging in from Finder, including batch drops of images. Again, it is likely better to avoid the update for customers who have Java 6 now, but these steps should allow normal functionality if you have applied the updates. Additional information on Java for Mac can be found at
Mac OS 10.5.7 Leopard Startup failure after OS X 10.5.7 Java update
On June 16, 2009 Apple deployed an update to OS X 10.5.7 for Java via Software Updates. This update has performed some restructuring of the folder path to Java Web Start, and fails to retain the file in its’ expected path of Applications – Utilities. Attempting to launch a ROES shortcut results in the icon bouncing on the dock and nothing else occurring. To resolve these startup errors, using Finder go into the local hard drive and System – Library – CoreServices. Locate Java Web and copy it to the clipboard, then paste it into the Utilities folder under Applications. Using a web browser, go to the lab’s web site and launch ROES. During the startup process, 2 warning windows will display – one to trust the application and another to allow it unrestricted access to the system. Click OK to both of these and ROES should open as normal. In rare cases, you may need to right-click on the launch.jnlp and choose Open With, then Browse to Java Web in Applications – Utilities. You can associate it with the Java Web in CoreServices, but at this time it is impossible to tell if the next Apple update for Java will keep it there.
Shortcut Issues
Core 2 Duo Systems: To get a new shortcut, open Java from the same Utilities folder and click the Network tab, then click View cache at the lower right to bring up the Java Cache Viewer. Use the menu or icon to create a desktop application or shortcut as desired. Core Duo and Non-Intel Mac: Shortcuts seem to be able to be created but WILL NOT EXECUTE. You must run from the lab’s ROES link on their web site or from their ROES listed in the Java Cache Viewer, accessed from Finder in Applications – Utilities and open Java In the Network tab, click View to open the Java applications list.
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